Josh Brown Reportedly Admitted To Abusing His Wife Physically, Mentally, And Emotionally In His Private Journals

NFL: DEC 14 Redskins at Giants

SNY- Giants kicker Josh Brown admitted to physically and emotionally abusing his wife and called himself a sex-addicted “deviant” who viewed himself as “God” and his wife as “my slave”, according to entries in his own journals, emails to his wife, and a letter he wrote to friends, which were obtained by SNY.

Those damning confessions came from journals and emails turned over to police by Brown’s now ex-wife Molly, after the kicker was arrested in May 2015 and charged with a fourth-degree domestic violence assault, and released on Wednesday by the Kings County (Wash.) Sherriff’s Office. The incident led to Brown being suspended for the Giants’ season opener as punishment for violating the league’s personal conduct policy.

Brown famously described the incident as “just a moment,” even after police documents showed that Molly had accused him of “more than 20″ instances of domestic violence. In his emails and journal entries — part of 165 pages of documents released by the Kings County Sherriff — he paints an entirely different picture. “I have physically, mentally, emotionally and verbally been a repulsive man,” Brown wrote in one of his journal entries. Just below that he circled the words “I have abused my wife.”

Josh went even further in a letter he wrote to friends in March, 2014, apparently as part of his counseling sessions with Molly, saying his issues with his behavior towards women date back to when he was “molested as a young boy (around 6)”. “I have been a liar for most of my life,” he wrote. “I made selfish decisions to use and abuse women starting at the age of 7 to fill this void. I objectified women and never really worried about the pain and hurt I caused them. My ability to connect emotionally to other people was zero. My empathy levels were zero. “Because I never handled these underlying issues I became an abuser and hurt Molly physically, emotionally and verbally. I viewed myself as God basically and she was my slave.”

In one of the documents, which was apparently signed by both Molly and Josh and called a “Contract for Change” and dated March 28, 2013 — more than two years before Josh was arrested — Josh makes it clear exactly how he abused Molly. There are eight items listed in the signed contract, including “I have physically, verbally and emotionally abused my wife Molly,” “I have controlled her by making her feel less human than me, and manipulated her with money” and “I have disregarded my step sons’ feelings and they have witnessed me abusing their mother.”

The contract also said he “viewed pornography on a consistent basis to manage my desire for physical contact.” Josh writes several times in the emails and journal about his addiction to sex and pornography. In one email he wrote “I developed into a sexual deviant that viewed sex as a sport all most (sic).”

We finally move along from the Derrick Rose civil case and what do we have here? Oh another disgusting set of claims against a New York athlete! Those journals are damning evidence. I mean it’s all spelled out right there. Granted I don’t understand why anyone would admit to a crime in a journal, online, or anywhere else. But if Brown did the crime, he’s gotta do the time. That simple. Things like this make you realize how stupid it is to worry about a guy proposing to a kicking net.

The Giants have long been a model franchise in the NFL. And if Goodell and company won’t bail them out by suspending Josh for longer than one game, they should just cut him now before they fly him all the way to London. I don’t care if its Randy Bullock, Larry Tynes, or Matt Bahr that replaces him. If these reports are true, you can’t have that guy in your clubhouse. And you can’t have your first year coach whose head has probably been spinning for weeks now from things like ODB’s antics to Ereck Flowers pushing a reporter in the locker room continue to deal with that nonsense. If Brown said it was one time and he lied, you have to move on. No ifs ands or buts.