Texas Chick Loses Her Vet License For Shooting A Stray Cat In The Face With A Bow And Arrow And Posting Its Dead Body On Facebook


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Daily MailA vet who used a bow and arrow to kill a neighbor’s cat which had wandered onto her home and then boasted about it online has been suspended.

Beneath a shocking image of her holding the dead animal, still with an arrow in her head, Kristen Lindsey wrote: ‘My first bow kill… lol. The only good feral tomcat is one with an arrow through it’s (sic) head. Vet of the year award… gladly accepted.’

She was judged by the Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners to have been cruel to the animal, named Tiger, and was banned from practicing for a year.

After the picture emerged, Lindsey was fired from the Brenham animal clinic where she worked.

The panel heard she had also received death and rape threats, and that her mother had also received threatening messages.

Her lawyer, Brian Bishop, told the board she believed the cat was feral and that it isn’t unusual for people near her rural home west of Houston to dispose of feral animals.

After the picture was posted on Facebook, the clinic where she worked released a statement, stating: ‘The clinic released a statement on Facebook saying: ‘We are absolutely appalled, shocked, upset, and disgusted by the conduct.

Name a more Texas move than solving your stray cat problem by shooting it in the face with something. So fucking on brand it’s not even funny. And yeah that was probably kind of an extreme move and definitely pretty sadistic to pose with the dead body and post it on Facebook, probably looking at some psychological red flags here, but come on. Let’s not act like this was a human being or even worse a dog here. It was a fucking stray cat. Cats suck in general let alone a cat that probably has rabies and cat aids and shit just spreading it all over the neighborhood. Yes in an ideal world Kristen wouldn’t have gone into the closet, picked up her bow and arrow and shot the thing directly through the face like fucking Legalus or something, but still. Its death is not that tragic. Lets chill out with the witch hunt and rape threats. And let’s DEFINITELY chill the fuck out with “Justice for Tiger” –

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Seriously is that fucking Jesus holding the cat?

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