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Good Ol' Polite Canadians Finish The National Anthem and O Canada After The Mic Cuts Out

Canada is fucking relentless recently. Getting a bit big for their britches as of late, as KMarko pointed out here. Canada used to know their role. They used to sit up there being all cold, having great strip clubs, riding around on moose and minding their own business. And now they are coming out of the woodwork, striking when the iron is hot. And I gotta be honest, I respect it. It’s very spider monkey of them. But when Canada spider monkeys, it’s because they are too nice and polite for their own good. First giving us Internet hugs, and now finishing our National Anthem. What’s next from our neighbors to the North, changing their national beer to Bud heavies and putting George Washington on their flag? I wouldn’t put it past them.

And by the way, O Canada is a fireeeee national anthem. Easy to learn, easy to sing, sounds great in harmony. And sometimes they do that tricky thing when they sneak in the French with the English and it blows my mind how seamlessly it works every time. There’s no denying it, that crowd singing O Canada before the game is the reason the Canucks won. They were polite enough to go to OT though, a tiger can’t quite change it’s stripes.

h/t Nate