Tom DeLonge's Emails To The Clinton Campaign Chairman About UFOs and Aliens Appear In Newest Wikileaks

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WSJ - The former lead singer of the band Blink 182 was in recent contact with Hillary Clinton‘s campaign chairman John Podesta about UFOs, newly disclosed emails show.

Tom DeLonge, who was the guitarist for the power punk trio best known for songs like “Dammit” and “What’s My Age Again,” emailed Mr. Podesta at least twice. He wrote in cryptic terms about their well-documented mutual interest in more government disclosure about the phenomenon of unidentified flying objects of potential extraterrestrial origin.

The emails, released by the website Wikileaks this month, also reveal that Mr. Podesta participated in a documentary that Mr. DeLonge is producing.

Mr. Podesta, who has worked in the highest levels of government in the administrations of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, has expressed interested in the topic. And he has long championed further government disclosure around classified files concerning UFOs.

Upon leaving the Obama administration in 2015, Mr. Podesta wrote on Twitter that his “biggest failure” was “not securing the #disclosure” of the UFO files.”

When the government finally comes out and releases all the info about UFOs and aliens, there will be one person and one person only to thank- Tom DeLonge. Nobody in the world has ever cared more about 1 particular topic than Tom does about aliens. His obsession has basically derailed his entire life, but it also seems that he’s actually on to something. He’s securing interviews with top officials, apparently knows shit about Roswell, and is now popping up in Wikileaks.

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Just sending super cryptic messages to the head of the Clinton campaign, no big deal. There’s no telling if he got an email back, but I’m pretty sure Tom is in so deep with this shit that he pretty much runs the US aliens and ufo intelligence office.

We just need the government to be like “ok Tom, here’s all the info you want, aliens are everywhere, leave us alone now” so he can get back to Blink and stop writing weird books and making weird movies. Nobody wants that. We want poop jokes. So just tell him what he wants so we get normal Tom back. Fair is fair.