I Was In Love With The Pink Ranger 20 Years Ago, And I'm In Love With Her Now

Who was your first crush? Mine was the pink power ranger. Kimberly. Oh, Kimberly, how I loved thee. And now, 20 years after I stopped watching Power Rangers, she has come rushing back into our lives and dicks the way only the pink ranger can. Look at that suit! It’s poetic how no matter what generation you are, your first boner can be for the pink power ranger. Bless the producers for knowing that Kimberly HAS to be hot. Disappointing though that they didn’t make the yellow one Asian and the black ranger black. It’s not racist, it was just easier to remember who was who.

Keep in mind this isn’t a movie for 3 year olds, they casted Bryan fucking Cranston to play Zordon

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And Elizabeth Banks is Rita Repulsa

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They all look pretty dope, kinda cool to see your childhood come back in a badass way

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