Air China Publishes Unbelievably Racist Travel Tip

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Just a quick travel tip from your friends over at Air China. Everyone make sure your luggage is secure, your seatback and tray tables are up, and you avoid Indians, Pakistanis and black people at all costs. Get caught near them and you’re fucked. London generally a pretty nice place, but yes it does have Indians, Pakistanis and black people, so keep your head on a swivel.

Honestly think this just stems from the universally accepted fact that Asians can’t be racist. They take so much fucking racism that it’s just not possible for them to be racists. They can say whatever they want about whoever they want. Of course they saw nothing wrong with this. Just publishing something they feel everyone should know. When you’re in London stay away from Indians, Pakistanis and black people. Duh. You’re welcome for the tip. Air China execs still sitting in the board room taking grenades from every outlet on earth like “Ummmm does anybody get it?”