All Charges Were Dropped Against The NYC Cab Driver That Killed His Wife's Would-Be Rapist With A Tire Iron

NY Daily News- Cheers erupted in a Bronx courtroom Wednesday when Mamadou Diallo, charged with assault for fatally beating a would-be-rapist who attacked his wife, was told he was a free man — thanks to an intervention from the victim’s family. Diallo, 61, showed little reaction when Judge Marc Whiten said, “This matter is dismissed” and officially dropped the assault rap against him. But his wife, Nenegale Diallo, shed happy tears at the surprise announcement — which came about with the help of victim Earl Nash’s family.

In a letter written by Nash’s relatives and read to the court by ADA Jennifer Cruz, the family said they didn’t want Mamadou Diallo behind bars. “We truly believe that both the Nash and the Diallo family have suffered a great deal of pain as a result of (the attack),” the Nash family wrote. “While we cannot undue the damage that was done that evening, we hope to bring some closure not only to our family but to the Diallo family as well. As such, we wholeheartedly recommend … dismiss(ing) all charges against Mamadou Diallo,” the letter concluded. Nash, a career criminal with a history of mental health issues and addiction, was caught on surveillance tape trying to rape Nenegale Diallo in her Bronx apartment May 30. She called her cab driver husband after fighting off Nash, and Diallo arrived with a tire iron in hand to rescue her. Security footage showed Diallo whaling away at Nash and chasing him into an elevator.

I think even the biggest fan of America can admit that the criminal justice system in this country can be completely fucked. Granted most of my experience with it comes from HBO shows like The Sopranos, The Wire, and The Night Of. But still, it seems like the right guy won this case. I know that Thou Shal Not Murder is a Commandment and everything. But I’m pretty sure God and Moses would have thrown an asterisk on there in two seconds for Mamadou Diallo. Especially when the deceased’s own family was telling the judge not to send him to jail. Even they were like “Yeahhhh he may be a blood relative but he also deserved to get his brains beaten in with a tire iron”. That’s some real shit, man. So good for Mamadou. Guy is a legit hero.

And this may be pie in the sky type thinking, but maybe just maybe this case stops a potential rapist from raping someone because there’s at least a chance that rapist is going to get murdered by someone that won’t have to do any real time in jail. And that’s change I can get behind.