The Donald Lifts Reporter Bans On Buzzfeed, HuffPo & Others, Because They "Can't Treat Me Any Worse!"

Republican National Convention: Day Four

Business InsiderDonald Trump’s infamous media blacklist has come to an end.

Hope Hicks, a spokesperson for the New York businessman’s campaign, confirmed on Wednesday morning that reporters from select media outlets would no longer be barred from covering events.

Previously, Trump had prohibited reporters from The Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Politico, and The Washington Post from covering campaign events.

The news was first reported by CNN.

“I figure they can’t treat me any worse!” Trump told the cable news outlet of the move.

First off, banning crap media from covering your campaign events is amazing. Just telling the squids at Buzzfeed and Huffington Post that they can’t cover you is so unprecedented and good that I have to respect it. Just gets their panties all in a bunch and hooting and hollering with each other about how much they hate you. Which is fine, they were already against you and, like the Donald says, at this point “they can’t treat [him] any worse!”

And now taking it to the next level and letting them back in just shows how much power he’s got. How he’s the one in control. The second he banned them, they complained and chirped and said he’d never get back together. Then the second he sends the “you up?” text, they’re right back in. Respond “yes hehe” in under a minute.

Donald’s got the media on a string and he knows it. They know it. Everyone knows it. It’s the one and only reason he’s had any success.

“Own the media and you will win your freedom.” -Proximo