This Couple Who Have Been Together For 62 Years Being Sent To Different Nursing Homes Is The Saddest Picture Of All Time

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Facebook- The saddest photo I have ever taken. This is my Omi and my Opi. As you can see they are both wiping away tears! But why? It was taken in Surrey at Yale road, a transitional facility for people waiting to get into nursing homes, that’s where my Opi is! After 62 years together in marriage they have been separated for 8 months due to backlogs and delays by our health care system, whom have the power to have my grandpa moved to the same care facility as my grandmother. They cry every time they see each other, and it is heartbreaking. To make it worse, TODAY he was diagnosed with Lymphoma. Besides that limiting his time and making this more urgent, His Dementia is growing ever stronger each day, but his memory of my grandmother has not faded a inch…yet. We are afraid however that if they are living apart much longer, his memory of her won’t stay. This has been a strain on our family, making the 30 minute commute to bring her to see him, every second day, so he does not forget her. Now with the news of cancer, our fight to have them in the same facility is even more urgent. He isn’t even getting proper care where he is, including no physical therapy which we were promised (the only reason he is in a wheelchair is because it has been 8 months of no walking!!) They deserve this! Financially, physically and emotionally exhausted, me and my family are begging for your help my friends. We have contacted our local MLA, called Fraser Health and done in person inquiries, but none of our questions and concerns have been answered. We want justice for my grandparents who after 62 years together deserve to spend their last moments in the same building.

God damn it. I want to apologize for posting this on a Friday but that’s just the way it goes. I’ve seen it making the internet rounds and felt like it needed to be shared. Saddest picture these teary eyes have ever seen. Zero hyperbole. I had to stop looking at it because it made me ball like a baby. It’s like The Notebook in real life but without the somewhat-happy ending. I honestly can’t think of a more heart wrenching scenario. Two people just being ripped apart from each other at the time when they need each other the most. And after 62 years! Ugh. I don’t know SHIT about medical facilities or nursing homes but goddamn there’s gotta be a way to make some sort of exception. Just brutal. Why can’t we all just live in a magical world where nobody gets older and nobody dies? That seems reasonable right? I like to think so. Make it happen, God.