We All Must Stand Here In Awe Of Chase Daniel, Professional Quarterback

Cute. Doug Pederson said Chase Daniel (and Carson Wentz, ugh) reminded him of himself, so what else would you expect? Of course this grossly overpaid backup would be tossing wounded ducks into the air to no man’s land. But, hey, at least Chase leads the NFL in all-time mental reps. So he’s got that going for him, which is nice.

As for the game itself, yeah, the Eagles won 17-0. The Eagles also played their first team starters on offense for the entire first half and, with the aid of 3(!!!) turnovers, didn’t cross the Goddamn 50 yard line till the 2-minute drill at the end of the 2nd. And don’t give me this “Would you rather have Chip Kelly running the same 6 plays out there?” No. No no no. This isn’t about fucking Chip Kelly anymore. This is about life. And remember the most frustrating aspects Andy Reid’s offense brought to the table? Yeah, multiply that by a billion with Doug Pederson’s mentally challenged version of Big Red’s West Coast Gunt. Sam Bradford was 14 for 19, which is beyond respectable, but only threw for 115 yards – a 6.1 yrd average. 6.1!!! Get ready for blah.

As for the defense, the #1’s looked pretty damn sharp vs. the Steelers who sat every single one of their playmakers. No Big Ben, Antonio Brown, Le’Veon Bell, or DeAngelo Williams, but hey, they shut the fuck out of Landry Jones and the gang. Oh, and if you’re paying attention, the first team defense scored more than the first team offense.

Annnndddd, as Jordie blogged last night, this:

Your 2016 Philadelphia Eagles. 2-0 though. Preseason Super Bowl Champs, again! May God have mercy on us all.

PS – Hilarious, and true.
