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The Little Dude From "Stranger Things" Shredded Some Nirvana On A Guitar And Apparently His Name Is Finn Wolfhard


Get it kid! Strike while the iron’s hot! Everybody loves this kid right now might as well whip some underwear slushies for the groupies with a Nirvana cover. I watched Stranger Things on Netflix and enjoyed it. I don’t think I enjoyed it as much as the rest of the world appears to have but that isn’t to say it’s bad by any means. It is absolutely worth your time. Not to mention it’s become a cultural phenomenon so you should probably watch it so you’re not left out of dinner conversations. However, the most important take away from that Nirvana cover is that the kid’s name is Finn Wolfhard. You read that correctly. Finn Wolfhard. Now I’ even happier for his success because that would be a tough name to grow up with if you were completely average. Real ballsy move from his parents going with that name. That name either sets him up for a life of being a world class aristocrat or a huge fucking nerd. Finn Wolfhard is begging to get shoved in a locker. Luckily for him Stranger Things is a smash hit so he won’t have a normal life. Finn fucking Wolfhard.