The New York Newspapers Get An F - For Their "Suction Cup Guy Climbing Trump Tower" Headlines

It’s a sad day in Gotham. Never fun to see a couple of legends fall flat on their face, but here we are. It’s like watching Tom Glavine’s entire career and then seeing him take the bump for the Mets in Game 162 against the Marlins back in 2007 and get absolutely titted to the tune of 7 earned runs in 1/3 of an inning in the truest essence of a must-win game. Now if you will excuse me, I will be adding some bleach to my coffee.

OK, back. Any story about suction cups should be a wet dream for the headline writers at the New York tabloids. Actually any story where the headline can have the word “suck” in it should be money. And then when you add in that the story involved Trump Tower, we should have been cooking with gas. Everything is on the table. Size of tower, dick innuendos, sassing anything Trump has said over the last year, etc. etc. Things I haven’t even dreamed of because I’m not a headline Picasso. Instead we get two PG at best covers. To use another baseball analogy, I have the same feeling reading these headlines that I did after watching Major League 2. The original was hilarious and raw. This was boring and neutered. I’m not sure if it’s because these papers have to live by a code because they have made their stance on Trump’s Presidential race known. But New York deserved better. The world deserved better. Even Trump deserved better. I hate to say it, but after seeing these headlines, print media may officially be dead. RIP in peace.

And New York being robbed of Mike Francesa giving play-by-play of the entire scene because he works like 10 days total between Memorial Day and Labor Day may be the death knell for the radio business too. The entire situation ending at 6:30 pm ET, just as Mike’s show would have been wrapping up, is just another sign that he should have been behind the mic with a full Diet Coke yesterday. Sad!

For more blogs about Suction Cup Guy climbing Trump Tower, click below

Suction Cup Guy’s climb up Trump Tower
Suction Cup Guy’s video to Donald Trump before the climb
The cops end our long national nightmare by grabbing Suction Cup Guy off of Trump Tower