Salem State Girl Allegedly Brawls Outside A Bar, Bites A Cop's Ear Off, And Threatens To Have All The Police Killed

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TSG - Meet Emma Wiley.

The 19-year-old collegian allegedly bit off the ear of a female cop who was trying to get her into a police cruiser following a brawl early Sunday outside a Massachusetts bar.

Listen any time your arrest story starts off with “allegedly bit off the ear of a cop who was arresting you outside of a bar” in the second paragraph, you know you had a wild ass night. If that’s all you hear about the entire thing, you still get a pretty good feel for how drunk somebody was. But for the sake of the whole story…

According to a Salem Police Department report, officers responding to a 911 call about a fight in progress found Wiley tangling with another woman as a crowd of more than 100 people milled about.

Wiley, cops noted, had a fist full of the other combatant’s hair and was trying to throw her foe to the ground. Pictured at right, Wiley was also “screaming uncontrollably.”

After officers separated the pair and began escorting Wiley to a squad car, the teenager–who studies criminal justice at Salem State University–yelled, “I’ll fucking kill you all. Don’t fucking touch me!”

As police struggled to get Wiley inside a cruiser, she lunged at the face of Officer Jessica Rondinelli, a rookie cop who has been on the job barely a month. Wiley, cops charge, “grabbed a hold of Officer Rondinelli’s right ear in her teeth and refused to let go.” Rondinelli yelled, “She has my ear!”

Yikes, that’s bad enough right there. Getting in a fight, getting arrested for it, threatening to kill everyone then biting a cop’s ear off. How could you possibly make that ANY worse?

Wiley released her bite when Rondinelli, 27, gouged her in the eye. “She bit my ear off,” Rondinelli then told fellow officers. The cop’s right ear was bleeding and had a “jagged chunk missing from the top of it,” according to the report.

As Rondinelli was rushed to a local hospital, Wiley threatened to have “every one of us cops killed,” an investigator noted.

Ah, yup. That’ll do it. Threatening to have cops killed. That’s never a good idea in general, but when you consider the specific time period we’re in right now with threats towards the police…it’s probably the #1 worst idea.

Annnnd to close it out:

Officers subsequently found a piece of Rondinelli’s ear in the rear compartment of the car used to transport Wiley to the Salem police station. An officer “quickly put the piece in a plastic bag” and brought it to the hospital where Rondinelli was being treated. But Rondinelli was informed by a doctor that, “due to the risk of infection, the nature in which her ear had been disfigured it was unlikely that attaching bitten off piece was possible and her ear was going to be permanently marred.”

Drunk chicks man. Always a rollercoaster.