Michael Phelps Getting His Haircut At A Black Barbershop Is A Baller Move


I’ve stated multiple times how black barbershops are some of the the best places on the planet. Just everyone having fun and busting each others balls. The hardest move for a white guy is sacking up and getting a cut at a black barbershop while trying to fit in and not looking corny as fuck. Sure Michel Phelps having more gold than Scrooge McDuck gives him a ton of confidence. But going into a black barbershop isn’t just talking to some random chick at a bar. It’s much more than that. And it’s not like Phelps just went in, got a trim, and left quietly. Everyone looks like they are having a fucking ball. If you can somehow become a regular at a black barbershop, I feel like you can die a happy man.

Also, if I was a swimmer from another country and saw this picture, I wouldn’t have even bothered getting on the plane to Rio. I would have sold my ticket and pocketed the cash. Because I know that no matter what, the gold medal for my event is going around Michael Phelps’ neck. Too big, too strong, too fast, too American, too Michael Phelps. And if you ain’t first, you’re last.