Does This Look Like The Face Of A Guy Who Became Violent When His Wife Made His Grilled Cheese Sandwich Too Cheesy?

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CLARKE COUNTY, Ga. — A man was arrested Wednesday after police said he became violent when his wife made him a grilled cheese sandwich with three slices of cheese when he requested only two. James DePaola, 55, was screaming at his wife in such a fashion that spit was hitting her face, according to Athens-Clarke County police. Their 12-year-old daughter called 911 from her mother’s cell phone saying her dad hit her mom and pulled the phone out of the wall. James DePaola admitted to pulling the phone from the wall because he did not want his wife to call 911 for a “stupid” reason, police said. When police arrived on the 100 block of Candy Circle, police spoke with Michele DePaola, 51, who said James DePaola has a history of violent and abusive behavior that has involved him being arrested and served with a restraining order in the past. Michele DePaola told police it’s been a while since he’s been physically violent with her, but often becomes angry, shouts, curses and is often excessively critical and controlling of day to day things in life. Michele DePaola said even though he was very upset and animated with the grilled cheese incident, she doesn’t believe he was going to hit her because he was too afraid of going back to jail.



Well look at this fucking asshole. First of all, if you get violent over grilled cheese you are an asshole of the highest degree. Also, there’s no such thing as too much cheese on a grilled cheese sandwich. What is this guy even getting mad about? And grilled cheese gate keepers can get the fuck outta face with stuff like, “You need the right ratio of bread and cheese to make the perfect grilled cheese sandwich.” To those people, I say fuck you. That’s the rationale of a person who thinks they’re gonna live forever. That’s the thought process of a person who doesn’t realize death is breathing down their neck every second of every day. I say more cheese! I say all the cheese! Put an entire block of cheese on my grilled cheese sandwich for all I care. You could get hit by a bus playing Pokemon GO today and regret not putting all the cheese on your grilled cheese sandwiches. Because there isn’t a single person out there who while on their death bed wishes they had put less cheese on their grilled cheese sandwiches. Never not once. Live it up. Cheese it up.