Donald Trump Eats His Kentucky Fried Chicken With A Fork

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So Trump posted this last night and obviously the internet freaked out. People were mad that he was eating KFC and not Popeye’s, fair point. People were mad that he was “pandering” to the public with poor people food, probably true. Then there were the people who were mad he was eating his fried chicken with a fork, and that’s where I draw the line. I think I’m converting to a fork guy. That’s right, I think I’m a fork guy even in none fork times. Fried chicken is the perfect example. Delicious, great meal, but after you finish you feel like you need to take a cold shower. The grease, the slime, your hands having that oil for the rest of the day. Well not if you go fork the entire time. And I’m ready to do it with everything. Cheetos? Fork. French fries? Fork. I’ll never fork a pizza but I also won’t judge you if you do. Go to a tailgate in attempts to make America Gate again, bring your own Fork. If Donald Trump’s campaign can leave one lasting mark on the American people I hope it’s this. Forks should be used more often and never judged. Eating with your hands is out, forks are in. Even Asia can join in, put down those chopsticks and stop making every meal the most difficult hand eye coordination test of all time. Forks. Join me.