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A Playboy Model Who Snapchatted A Naked Fat Lady At The Gym Got Internet Mobbed So Bad She Shut Down Her Twitter



Uproxx – Dani Mathers is a 29-year-old Playboy model and 2015 “Playmate Of The Year” who angered fans by posting the above photo on Snapchat of a woman who appears to have just come out of the shower at her gym, LA Fitness in Universal City, and captioned it “If I can’t unsee this, then you can’t either.”

Mathers — who has 553,00 followers on Instagram, more than one million on Facebook, and 75,000 on Twitter — quickly deleted the image, which she claimed in a follow-up Snapchat had been “part of a personal conversation with a girlfriend” and accidentally uploaded. Likewise, she issued a lengthy apology on Twitter for her insensitive actions.


And here’s part of her apology screengrabbed (see the full thing here) since Dani Mathers took her Twitter down:


Screen Shot 2016-07-14 at 1.42.05 PM


I think most people would agree that Snapchatting some poor sloppy naked lady to go “Ewww yucky” is kind of a dick move, especially at a gym where she’s theoretically trying to improve herself and whatever. But at the same time, isn’t this sort of what you want from your hot Playmate of the Year caliber chicks? You don’t get to be award-winning hot without casting a few bitchy glares and talking a little shit about everyone who’s physically inferior to you in some way. Check any beauty guide, somewhere in there is guaranteed to be a step “Tear others down to build yourself up.” It’s a system that’s worked for centuries and elaborated upon in documentaries such as Mean Girls. Questioning it now and driving her off Twitter just because that meanness can be effortlessly broadcasted online is just as unfair to Dani Mathers as she was to the woman. What you’ve witnessed is part of nature, like a National Geographic video. Do you get mad at the lion and think it should starve because you feel bad for the droopy titted gazelle? Of course not. We need an internet mob to make the internet mob apologize for making Dani Mathers apologize.


But overall by normal human standards still kind of a dick move so let’s all look at Dani Mathers naked now to even up the score. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame.