How About Bolivia All Up On Their High Horse Turning Down Bill Gates Donation Of 100,000 Chickens?


Source – Bolivia’s Government has turned up its nose at US billionaire Bill Gates’ initiative to donate 100,000 chickens to people living in poverty worldwide, including Bolivians. “I find it rude, because unfortunately some people, especially in the empire (the United States), still see us as beggars,” Rural Development Minister Cesar Cocarico said. “We don’t depend on chickens. We’ve advanced. “Our people have dignity and they know how to work,” he told journalists. Mr Gates, the man ranked by Forbes magazine as the richest person in the world, announced plans last week to donate chickens to poor nations in an effort to fight extreme poverty.

My God, Bolivia, get over yourselves. No one has ever given a shit about you and your two claims to fame are a Mike Tyson quote and the fact that you guys literally couldn’t decide which city you wanted to be your capital so you said “Fuck it, no one cares about us anyways so we might as well just have two capitals.” You aren’t fooling anybody when you say that you don’t need all that free poultry because, while we might not know dick about your poverty-stricken country, we do know that you could use 100,000 more cocks.

The Rural Development Minister saying “We don’t depend on chickens. We’ve advanced.” made me laugh out loud. First, these things aren’t mutually exclusive. I had some chicken for dinner last night and I live in a pretty advanced country. Plus, whenever I drive through rich areas, I pass farms and, last time I checked, chickens live on farms.

The other thing about his comment really drives home how primitive this country is. They don’t even know what advanced means. Envision life in the Republic of the Congo. Well, Bolivia has a lower GDP per capita. Now, I typically blog about baseball so I’m aware of a lot of the poverty that Dominican prospects have to endure during the first 16 years of their lives. Bolivia is HALF as wealthy in terms of  GDP per capita in comparison to the Dominican so, Cesar Cocarico, get outta here with that ‘We’re advanced’ bullshit and just accept the fucking chickens. Just a classic example of Bolivia trying to drum up some controversy to sneak theirselves onto the news after a 169 year hiatus.