A Man Has Filed A Restraining Order Against God For Being Mean To Him

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Newsweek- An Israeli man has launched a campaign to stop God interfering in his life after three years of poor treatment at the hands of the Almighty. The unidentified man submitted a restraining order request against His Holiness at an Israeli court on Tuesday. He said that God had been bothering him for three years and that repeated requests to the police had been ignored, with the authorities only sending patrol cars to his home on 10 occasions and not taking his calls seriously. Authorities eventually told the man to take out a restraining order against the Lord, he said, so he duly obliged at the Magistrate Court in the northern Israeli port city of Haifa. “For the past three years He started to treat me harshly and not nicely. I complained to the police many times. The Israel police asked me to take out a restraining order,” the man said in the proceedings at the court, according to Israeli news site NRG.



What an attention whore this guy is huh? Far be it for me to take the side of religion but this isn’t God’s fault. This dude just sucks at life. That’s all. Plain and simple. And he’s decided that God is his excuse as to why he sucks at life. If he spent less time dialing 911 to complain that God is being mean to him he might be able to amount to something. But no. He’s called the cops to his house TEN TIMES complaining about something that probably doesn’t even exist. It’s you, bud. You stink. And this whole restraining order business? That’s for attention. He wants people to feel sorry for him. This dude might be worse than those Occupy Wall Street people. At least they got up and went somewhere to complain about their laziness. Not this guy. He sits at his house and pouts about God not treating him fairly. Wahhhhhhhhhhh. I will say this for the guy, it’s a refreshing angle to take. Must people run to God in their times of need. This dude is doing the opposite. He wants God as far out of his life as possible. So that’s something.