Southern Illinois University Fraternity Gets Railroaded By Somebody Who Posted "A Bug's Life" With Every Word Replaced With The N-Word


CARBONDALE, Ill.The Alpha Tau Omega fraternity at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale says they are not behind a racist video on YouTube.

The video, titled “SIUC White is Right,” was posted Thursday by YouTube account “ATO AZO.”

It uses a racial slur several times with clips from the Disney movie, “A Bug’s Life.”

The video is ended by an Anonymous-like speaker attributing the message to the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity at SIUC and calling for black students to be beaten and lynched on May 2.

So I just wanted to drop a quick blog about a video that was released at Southern Illinois this past weekend. The video was titled “SIUC White Is Right” and the account it came from said ATO AZO. It was scrubbed off of Youtube so I’m not able to post it, but basically it was a video that showed a scene from “A Bugs Life” and replaced every word with the N word. Then at the end they used an “Anonymous” type video that declared war on black people on May 2nd among other horrible, horrible racist things. The ATO in the account name stands for Alpha Tau Omega, the frat that they mention in the video as the ones who are behind it all.

Naturally, when the video came out there was a lot of people that were very upset. The thing is though, people apparently have never learned that just because someone says something on the internet doesn’t mean that it’s true. I was an ATO at Southern and I can say that without a doubt this is one of the biggest hatchet jobs I’ve ever seen. I mean these kids got absolutely buried the first day it came out with people not even considering that they had been set up by somebody else.

Take a look at some tweets:

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(Of course, there were worse things said, but to be progressive about this whole situation I left them out)

Now let me say this loud and clear: I don’t care if you’re white, black, orange, or purple. The things that were said in that video were reprehensible and you have every right to be concerned and upset that some absolutely vile human being is seemingly trying to spark racial tensions at your University.

But for christ sake the whole “everybody gather with your pitchforks” bullshit has to stop. Let some factual information be gathered before you call for a firing or a removal of any kind of group. No fraternity in the country would be dumb enough to make a group video like this and put their names front and center in it all.

I understand you’re upset, but organizing a riot on May 2nd isn’t going to help anything but make the University look bad and hurt its reputation. Let the investigation take care of itself so we can find out who put this garbage out there and hope that they get what’s coming to them.

P.S. The University & the fraternities nationals backed the fraternity up on the whole thing. That’s something that’s extremely rare in todays day and age, so a huge props to them for seeing through all of this.