High Levels Of Poop Bacteria Were Found On Ice Cubes At A KFC Restaurant

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Telegraph- High levels of bacteria from faeces have been found on ice served at a KFC restaurant, it was revealed on Monday. Undercover investigators for BBC’s Rip Off Britain found the contaminated ice while visiting several big-name takeaways and coffee shops. Dr Margarita Gomez Escalada, who studied the sample at Leeds Beckett University, told the programme: “We found high levels of bacteria in the ice. “The presence of faecal coliform suggests that there’s faecal contamination either on the water that made the ice, or the ice itself, and so it increases the risk of getting sick from consuming this ice.” KFC said it was extremely disappointed and had launched an investigation into food hygiene at its Martineau Place branch in Birmingham. Undercover researchers also visited a branch of Costa in Loughborough, the Chicken Cottage in Hampstead, a Café Nero in Bath, and the Wimpy in Basildon.




I am not a picky person. I’m very much go-with-the-flow-type person. The last thing I ever want is anybody to do something different on account of me. When picking a place to go eat with friends, I’ll eat where everybody else wants to eat. Is there food and drinks there? Cool then I’m in. However I draw the line at KFC. I refuse to eat at KFC. That’s my one and only no-go. It didn’t used to be this way. I used to be all about KFC and their chicken. Snackers or snackers on snackers. It wasn’t until I became heavily involved in the internet (AKA became a blogger and the internet became my life) did my boycott of Colonel Sanders begin. Surf the internet long enough and you’ll find each fast food joint has it’s horror stories. Dead rat in the fries. Condom in the onion rings. Human finger in the cheeseburger. No place is perfect. But surf long enough and you’ll see a trend. That trend being that nobody has more cases of horror stories than Kentucky Fried Chicken. Anything that falls into that fryer gets put right onto your plate. You think the people working there even check what’s in the fryer? Doubt it.


So I couldn’t be less surprised that somebody found poop smeared all over their ice from KFC. Par for the course really. If anything, it just makes me believe I’m more right than before. KFC is inedible and that’s coming from a guy who thinks just about everything is edible. Not the food at KFC. I will go literally anywhere else to get fried chicken. Just thinking about Kentucky Friend Chicken makes me throw up in my mouth a little. Yuck.