Jack Edwards Slid Into My DM's Today And Now He Hates Me





And boom just like that I’ve apparently made another enemy within the Boston Sports Media without even trying.  And no I obviously don’t believe in the DM’s being a safe harbor.  Not when you initiate the conversation and then make it so the person can’t respond anymore.  Sidenote – I absolutely butchered my point about if I had a nickel for everytime somebody complained I’d be rich.  I forgot the “I’d be rich part” and just transitioning into a different point.  That’s a jimbo. The rest I think I was making fair points)

And just to clarify I’d like to say that I don’t think Roger Goodell is as bad as Hitler.  Yes he’s close, but as far as I know he hasn’t murdered hundreds of thousands of my kin yet.




PS – Does this mean I can’t drive the playoff bandwagon anymore?

