Blind Mike Is Robbing Banks Now?

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Keyser Soze has been working for Barstool the whole time. By day he’s stumbling around the office, bouncing off walls, falling up stairs, tripping over air conditioners that are in the middle of the hallway for some ridiculous reason, and by night he’s robbing banks. Brilliant cover. When it comes to robbing banks or, really, anything that requires something more that sitting still no one ever suspects the blind guy. But the fact of the matter is that’s Mike. That’s Blind Mike. I can tell from the top right pic, that’s his exact stride, the long, timid gait where his foot kinda floats out there like it’s searching for the ground. He wears stupid hats. He wears huge sunglasses. That’s Blind Mike. Just not sure what to do now? Gotta blackmail him and get a cut or else I’m going to the police, right? Seems to be the smart move.

h/t chando