This Pikachu Lingerie Caused A Childhood Boner That I Wasn't Expecting

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Metro- This is the lingerie range that all Pokemon fans never knew that they wanted – and whether you find them a bit weird or the stuff of bedroom cosplay dreams, you have to admit that website Yummy Mart have been creative in their new Pikachu range of underwear and other accessories. The online lingerie store has unveiled teaser images of some of the new products that fans of the hit series can get their mits on – from knickers right through to a hooded cape. Will you be investing?



Just when you think it’s gonna be another casual Friday. Punch in, punch out and head to the bar. Just another day in the ol’ salt mines then BAM! Mother fucking Pokemon lingerie! Childhood boners all over the damn place. KFC doesn’t know what he’s missing when he shits all over Pokemon. It’s the bees knees. And now that there’s Pokemon lingerie? Impossible to hate. Can I be honest with my fellow Pokemon people for a second? I fucking hate that Pikachu gets all the shine and is always the pokemon whose face is all over everything. Pikachu suuuuuuuuuuucks. There are so many other worthy Pokemon that it’s borderline insane that Pikachu is the Eminem of Pokemon’s D12. I’m sure there’s some back story about why that I don’t know about but I don’t care. Throw Charmander up there. Or Blastoise. Or fucking Alakazam. Anybody but Pikachu. I’m sick of him being the star when he has zero star power. Feels good to get that off my chest.