Does This Look Like The Face Of A Georgia Kid Arrested For Spraying A Girl In The Face With "Liquid ASS" Fart Spray At An Athens Bar?

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Online AthensA man was arrested over the weekend for allegedly using bottled flatulence to stink up a bar in downtown Athens.

Upon arriving at the bar on East Clayton Avenue at about 1:40 a.m. Saturday, police saw “several patrons of Whiskey Bent began to leave quickly while making comments about how bad it stunk inside the bar,” according to the report.

Bar patrons pointed out 20-year-old Blake Leland Zengo as the culprit, and one woman accused Zengo of spraying her face, according to police.

When police found Zengo in the bar’s patio area, he claimed to not know what was going on, and said he did not spray anything. Zengo was described in the police report as being “very inebriated, and was slurring his words.”

When police searched the Oconee County resident, they found in his pants pocket a spray bottle of Liquid ASS, which appeared to have worked as advertised.

Spraying a chick in the face with Liquid ASS fart spray may be the most savage move I’ve ever come across. Just unbelievably, unimaginably savage. To take a bottle of Liquid ASS fart spray out of your pocket and just unload stinky poop spray directly into a girl’s mouth and nose and eyeballs. And the fact the she declined to even press charges? NUTS. I mean I hate overreactions and stupid lawsuits as much as the next guy but I think we can all agree that you’ve never been more within your rights to try and crush somebody’s entire life than after they annihilate your face with fart spray.

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The website for the prank product promises: “Once unleashed, this power-packed, super-concentrated liquid begins to evaporate filling the air with a genuine, foul butt-crack smell with hints of dead animal and fresh poo. The funny pranks you can pull with Liquid ASS are unlimited. Watching the facial grimaces of people and hearing their comments about the part-your-hair, gagging stench will have you laughing until it hurts.”

Pink eye city.