Robert Carter Jr, Melo Trimble, And Diamond Stone Have All Declared For The NBA Draft....Yikes

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Everyone knows I’m a Maryland guy. From Maryland, went to Maryland, and love Maryland hoops. I blogged about the Terps all season long, all the ups and downs, right down to the loss in the Sweet 16 to Kansas. It was a disappointing season- not so much because they lost in the Sweet 16, but because what we all knew what was coming next:

That’s the crusher. When you know it’s your best chance in years and years and years because everyone is leaving once the season is over. Starters Rasheed Sulaimon and Jake Layman graduating. Then Robert Carter Jr. declared. And now the final 2 starters Diamond Stone and Melo Timble have followed suit. Now I don’t want to be too pessimistic here, but I don’t think this Maryland team is going to be as strong next year after losing all 5 starters.

While Stone is hiring an agent, Melo is simply testing the waters. The new rule allows kids to declare but not hire an agent, and then return to school if they don’t feel confident in their draft position. Melo saw his stock sink during the season as he struggled with turnovers and shooting, and many feel he isn’t physically ready to make the jump. However, with his team all leaving, it’s hard to see him come back to school for another year.

As for Stone, he’s a 7 footer with range. Though the NBA is getting more about speed and pace, 7 footers with a jumper and who can shoot 80% from the line don’t exactly grow on trees. His defense is suspect, but he also just turned 19 in February, so nobody really expects him to be…wait for it….polished yet. Nailed it. Some mock drafts have him as a late 1st rounder, but with his upside I see him being a lottery pick.

I of course don’t fault any of these guys for chasing the NBA dream. You don’t go to school to play class. Go get those NBA dollars. Of course it stinks as a Maryland fan, but we have a couple pretty good recruiting classes on the way in over the next 2 seasons, so hopefully the Terps are right back in the thick of it again soon.