Happy Belated 90th Birthday To The Legend Himself, Hugh Hefner

I don’t know how I missed this over the weekend. I apologize for when I fuck up and I have to apologize for this. This one’s on me. Hugh Hefner turned 90 on Saturday. 90!! The man who is responsible for the multi-billion dollar Kleenex industry. A titan, a pioneer, a man who broke down doors and wouldn’t take no for an answer turned the big 9-0 and frankly has never looked better.

Hugh Hefner is responsible, both directly and indirectly, for more boners than any man in the history of the world. Before the Internet, there was Hef. When you were a kid discovering what tits were, you sat with your face pressed against your 13 inch TV in your room on the Playboy channel

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Because of Hef we now have nine billion different avenues to watch Internet porn. Everyone please take a moment today to say thank you to Hef for all that he has done for you. May he live another 90 years.