Does This Look Like the Face of A Nurse Who Had Her License Suspended For Taking A Picture Of Her Patients Dick?



Freep – A New York nurse who took pictures of an unconscious patient’s penis turned in her nursing license according to the New York State Education Department. The state accepted Kristen Johnson’s request to surrender her license, according to a March 17 statement. Johnson “did not contest the charge of moral unfitness in the practice,” the education department said.Johnson was arrested in May of 2015 after an investigation concluded that she took pictures of two patients at Upstate University Hospital in 2014 and sent them to her coworkers, according to

This is the hottest thing ever. A hot nurse so turned on by dick she’s taking pictures of dudes junk while they lay unconscious.  Seriously this is the stuff pornos are made off.  And more importantly how is that a crime? Yeah if she’s ugly I understand throwing her in jail, but this chick is cute. The rule should be if you’d send a girl your dick while awake she should be allowed to take pictures of it when you’re unconscious.  Biggest compliment a girl can give actually.  Hey I like your dick….