Sarah Spain Gets Called Out By Julie Stewart Binks For Being The Most Hypocritical Human On Earth


This was Sarah Spain talking about Gronk grinding on Julie Stewart Binks from Fox Sports at Super Bowl Media Day.


“I was really uncomfortable watching it,” she said. “I thought it was extremely awkward and unprofessional. I can’t imagine being on a set and working and having a athlete grind on me or give me a lap dance or do anything even remotely like that. It’s very uncomfortable.
Then 3 weeks later Sarah Spain is literally saying the Gronk Cruise was the greatest cruise in the history of cruises.




Nah nothing hedonistic going on.  Just a little harmless fun.




Hmm interesting. So Gronk grinding on Julie Stewart Binks for a TV bit very bad. Gronk grinding on every single chick on this boat trying to fuck their brains out probably including Sarah Spain harmless fun. Gotchya. Well Julie Stewart Binks noticed.




This is what I’m talking about! Sarah Spain is the most hypocritical human on earth. She plays both sides of the fence. You know what Sarah Spain is? She’s the chick who is not in the popular crowd and constantly judges and snickers at the cool girls and says how gross they are and what big sluts they are and then the first time the starting QB looks at her she sucks his dick so fast it will make your head spin. That’s Sarah Spain. I don’t care if you’re hate bros. I don’t care if you hate fun. I don’t care if you hate reporters who use their sexuality to get ahead or get ratings. But you can’t have it both ways. You can’t make a name for yourself by auctioning yourself off on ebay and then be the moral police for the rest of women. You can’t hate Barstool Sports for featuring hot chicks and then say the Gronks are harmless fun. You just can’t have your cake and eat it too.  I agreed with her entire article about the Gronk cruise but it’s just a joke coming from her. Either the Gronks and websites like Barstool and reporters like Julie Stewart Binks are your style or their not.  It can’t be whenever it fits your narrative.  It’s just nice to see another girl call her out for it.


