We've Got A Crew Off, Kershaw's Crew Vs. JJ Watt's

The Champions.

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The Challengers.


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Contrary to popular belief I’m not going to hate on JJ Watt for doing this trip with his friends. That’s pretty cool to take a bunch of your oldest friends on an all expense paid trip somewhere each year. You’ll hear no snide remarks from me on that one, and for once it seems like JJ is being genuine.



I will however judge a crew. A royal rumble of white dude’s. What posse would you rather roll with? Honestly I think I’m sticking Kershaw’s group just because I think they’re under the radar clowning on themselves. They’re in on the joke. They know they look ridiculous, they know they’re the Mean Street Posse 2.0. And as much as JJ’s group of friends look like they can throw a few back, at the end of the day the self deprecation in Kershaw’s group of friends is what I’m after. I highly doubt JJ lets his guys bust each other’s balls. They seem more like a drink warm beer, eat salty popcorn, play some pool and act really nice to each other group of guys. Probably ask each other about their career ambitions and act all supportive of each other and shit. Gross. No one wants that. I want to openly root against my friends, it’s way funnier that way.



Savage belt game.


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Be better Guinness. JJ doesn’t even drink.


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