Our Old Friend Britney Spears Put Up Some Hot Fire Instagram Videos For Us To Enjoy







That should jump start your morning. Who needs coffee when B. Spears is shaking her shit in our faces? I’ll defend Britney Spears until my close friends and family have to burn a vacation day to attend my funeral. That’s a fact. She’s the girl from my generation who all of us will be defending when we’re old and grey and Britney no longer has her hot fire looks. Kids then will be fawning over whoever is the pin up girl of their time and we’ll excitedly reminisce about Hit Me Baby One More Time, her outfit in the Toxic video and her VMA performances. Britney was the source of my first erections and for that I am forever grateful. Lots of guys my age feel the same way. And you don’t just sell somebody down the river when a new batch of hot pop stars come off the assembly line.. No no no. Sure Britney had some tough years there but who hasn’t? That’s not enough to abandon her.  A boner bond is much stronger than that. It helps that she’s got her form back in 2016. Those Instagram videos made it move. #Britney4Life



h/t tim