Barstool At The Ballpark Tickets Now On Sale - Come See An Ace And Yo Bombs Every Night

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Well now that the dust has settled on the Mets offseason, there are 2 things I can guarantee every night:

1) You will see an ace on the mound

2) You will see the Cespedes show

Pick a game, any game, and you’re gonna see Harvey, deGrom, Noah, Matz, Wheeler or Tolo. Throw a dart board at a calendar and you’ll get one of those pitchers. Close your eyes and pick a game and you’ll get to see Cespedes hitting Yo Bombs and hosing motherfuckers from the warning track. You’ll also get to see Conforto blasting balls to the moon. You’ll see a 2nd baseman that can actually turn a double play! If we need him, you’ll see a big balls closer throwing a 96 mph splitter. Now that the Wilpons got duped and pressured into actually spending money this offseason, the Mets are going to be one of the most exciting teams in baseball day in and day out.

So grab yourself a ticket and some unlimited beer and come sit with Barstool in the Coke Corner. Also note that Saturday, May 28th is the same night that Citi will be celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the 1986 team. Bring your dad or your grandpa and come out and relive one of the best baseball teams of all time while watching the 2016 team march back to the World Series.