Jack Edwards Sang A Christmas Carol During A Hockey Fight Because Jack Edwards Is A Beautiful, Insane Person




I wasn’t going to blog this because I didn’t think it was that big a deal (read: because Randell lost) but now I’m seeing a lot of Jack Edwards hate today and, frankly, I’m sick of it. Is this weird? Yup. Nonsensical? Sure. Crazy? You betcha. But that’s the beauty of Jack Edwards. For some reason I guess people like listening to some buttoned up, boring dude call sports? Well, all those people are dumb. Jack is exactly what you want in a local broadcast. I wouldn’t want him calling a Stanley Cup game but for 82+ games a year he’s perfect. He’s a homer, he’s passionate, he goes on rants, and he’s entertaining. That’s what I want in the guys I listen to every night: homerism and insanity. Leave Jack Edwards alone. LEAVE HIM ALONE.