Alabama Superintendent With The Single Greatest Snow Day Announcement Of All Time


Oh how I envy those kids.  You know what’s better than a snow day?  A snow day on a Friday.  You just glide right into the weekend and it’s all gravy.  I know I’m a blogger and “that’s not a real job” but I still have to do stuff.  These kids can just lay in bed until 3 pm if they want.  Not a care in the world.  Nothing better than getting that announcement before bed too.  Scratch that.  Getting that announcement before bed by way of your superintendent who appears to be riding on a sled that’s attached to a car is better.  Coolest fucking superintendent ever.  When I picture a superintendent I picture a stuffy old white dude who would rather risk lives than cancel school.  Well not this guy and not in Alabama.  Cowboy hat?  Check. Getting pulled by a car on a sled?  Check.  Gibberish I couldn’t understand?  Check.  Alabama, baby.  The only thing missing from that was him screaming Roll Tide at the end.