91 Year Old Woman Suffocates During Sex Game With Her 49 Year Old Neighbor


Rise News – A 91 year-old Portuguese woman suffocated to death during a freaky sex game with her married neighbor. The woman was found on her bead naked next to a sex toy. “I noticed only two small bruises on her face, but there was blood on the sheets and a picture of her husband resting on her chest,” Ana Martins, the neighbor who discovered her, told the Mirror. Autopsy results showed she died from asphyxia thought to have taken place during a sex game that spiralled out of control. A neighbor has been arrested and released on bail. The death is being considered an accident.

If that 49 year old neighbor isnt thrown in jail for murder, the justice system really is broken and antiquated. This is the perfect Pre Crime opportunity. Maybe he didnt mean to strangle that old bird to death, but anyone who’s having kinky choke-her-out sex with a fucking NINETY ONE year old needs to be behind bars. Sex toys, bruises, blood, and a picture of her husband resting on her chest???? That is some DEVIANT sexual behavior. I aint even gonna judge this old broad. She likes some extra kink in her sex game, good for her. Trying to recapture the Roaring 20s when she was gangbanging prohibition bootleggers and shit. If granny wants to get slapped around and choked out while looking at pictures of her dead husband, thats her prerogative.

But the guy that agrees to do that to her? Thats someone who needs to be removed from society. Put that man behind bars or in a straight jacket. One or the other. Because anyone that and go James Deen on a 91 year old raisin pussy isnt fit for freedom. Anybody who can joke a grandma’s wrinkly gullet during sex is a walking sexual assault waiting to happen. When you hear about some serial killer with all senior citizen victims in the news in the next few months, just know it all could have been prevented.