Video surfaces showing HIV-positive Charlie Sheen 'performing oral sex on another man and smoking crack-cocaine' in 2011




Whoa…didn’t see this one coming.  I had no idea Charlie Sheen was one of those eccentric Zoolander bisexual types.  Always thought he was a straight pussy guy.   But that’s not even the point of this blog.  I just want to point out how crazy the Internet is sometimes.  I mean there is nothing funny about this headline:


Video surfaces showing HIV-positive Charlie Sheen ‘performing oral sex on another man and smoking crack-cocaine’ in 2011


Yet its the funniest thing I’ve seen all day.  I mean if you didn’t laugh out loud when you read it the first time I don’t even want to know you.  It doesn’t make you a bad person.  It’s just life.  It’s just human nature. You can’t control funny.   It happens and you react.