Mark Cuban Says He Saved All Of DeAndre Jordan's Text Messages, Then Takes A Shot At Chris Broussard For Good Measure, Is Everyone's Bitter Ex

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Thank God Mark Cuban doesn’t hold grudges. Phew, I was worried there for a second that he would hate DeAndre Jordan for the rest of his life and be a little baby about it. Seriously though I don’t think it’s possible for someone to be more butt hurt than Mark Cuban comes across here. You lost out on DeAndre Jordan, shit happens. I know he may have given you his word but don’t sit here and tell me you haven’t wiggled out of deals when you realize they are no longer good for you. You’re a businessman, business 101 is that if it isn’t ink it doesn’t count, you of all people should know that. Saving text messages and blackmailing your ex is high school shit. I like you, I still want you to buy a portion of my brain (deal is still on the table), but if you had hired me a year and a half ago I already would have told you to grow the fuck up. Everyone knows you don’t publicly do this shit in a breakup. It makes you weak, it makes you look like a thin skinned baby. Be a man, go to the gym, get in good shape, sign some free agents, take some Instagram pictures with heavy filters that make your life look awesome, and then win a title right in DeAndre’s face. That’s how you deal with a break up, not this whiny baby bullshit. Unless of course this whole text message thing was an elaborate marketing scheme for Cyber Dust, in which case, Dust on!




Oh and how about Cuban also lashing out at my boy Broussard.

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You got got Mark. It doesn’t matter if it was real or fake, when Broussard reports something it’s because he wants to be first and that is the most noble pursuit a journalist can have. Getting things right is for suckers, getting things first is for winners. BrouCrew Stand up.


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