Russian Chick Breaks Her Own Nose While Doing The Splits On Live TV




Laugh out loud funny. If you can’t laugh at that then get the fuck outta my face. Nothing funnier than someone trying their hardest at something only to smash up their own face on live TV. “Ohhhhhh look at me. I’m dancing! I’m graceful! Look at my flowing skirt AHHHHHHHHH I’m dead!” Too damn funny. Fucked her shit up real bad. Broken nose. Blood pouring all over the place. A true showmanship. Dancers are a dime a dozen on these reality talent shows. People come and go like that. Do you think they’ll ever forget the girl who split herself right into a broken nose? Yeah I didn’t think so. Savvy. No pain no gain. The only thing that would’ve been funnier is if she had just knocked herself out cold and would’ve been sitting there in the splits.  Other than that, pure gold. Well done. I give her performance a 10 or however they give scores on that show.



This dude knew it was real bad as soon as it happened


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