Don't You Dare Dance With This Guy's Girlfriend For Even A Millisecond Or He Will Put You In A Coma For 10 Days


Metro- CCTV captured the moment a teenager put a man in a coma after he thought he was dancing with his girlfriend in a nightclub. Footage shows Maxwell Banbury, 19, run up to Andrew Mason, 29, and punch him in the face. He then downs the rest of his drink and leaves. Mr Mason was left in a coma for ten days and is still suffering from neurological damage after the incident on March 15 at Fever & Boutique in Barnstaple, Devon.


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that dude has anger and jealousy issues. You can’t even consider what that guy did with his girlfriend as dancing. He tried to rub up on her with the classic I’m Just Gonna Start Grinding My Dick On Her Butt And Hope She’s Into It move. A classic move we all learned at every high school dance ever. It works maybe 8% of the time.  Well it didn’t work, she stepped away and it was over.  Then Mr. Tough Guy had to come over the top with a haymaker for almost no reason. That’s assault brotha.  The only time something like that MIGHT be acceptable is if the dude dances to “Get Low” by Lil Jon and the Eastside Boyz in its entirety and his sweat drips down his balls on onto your girlfriend’s back. Then and only then can you maybe think about putting somebody in 10 day coma. Still probably not a great idea cause you’re still gonna be the asshole who almost killed a guy. Big time hardo move finishing his drink before leaving by the way.