It's Impossible To Have More Classroom Swag Than This Kid's Dead Animal Scarf





Look good, learn good, bitches!


Never, in all my days, have I seen something quite like this. All you nasty motherfuckers strolling into Organic Chem in your fucking sweatpants with your hair a mess, still reeking like last night’s Beat the Clock, just got put on notice. This dude just stole all your girls. Walked into the class looking like Cruella de Vil. I don’t even know what that is, the kid who tweeted me said it was a ferret but I think it’s something even more exotic. Something I’ve never seen. Something that’s only been seen in secret runway offs over in Milan. So much swagger it’s insane anyone else even stayed in the class. This kid just won it, the class is his.



PS – What are the chances that this kid gets expelled because he caused emotional distress to some PETA chick? A million percent? Higher?


h.t Aubs