Little French Bulldog Defends The Fuck Outta His House From Two Bears




I was pretty torn watching those videos if we’re being honest. I love dogs and I love bears.  It’d be nice if everybody could just get along. A big cuddle session instead of fighting would’ve been ideal. At the end of the day though, it’s dogs > bears.  Bears are steady ripping people to pieces whenever they see a human (except for that time in the future when I get close enough to hug a bear and we become best friends like Mowgli and Baloo).  Dogs rip apart human faces at a far less clip than bears so that made it a little easier to pick a side. How about that little French bulldog though? Going to WAR for his house. Who cares if he’s way smaller? Mind over matter. He’s like the short guy in every group of friends who gets made fun of relentlessly but is so super duper intense when it comes to confrontation that nobody would dare ever fight him.  Even the guys in the group who are twice his size.  Nope. Even if they would probably win the fight. Doesn’t matter. The front the little guy puts on is too fucking scary. Same goes for that French bulldog.



h/t tim