The Need For A RC Fighter Jet Currently Exceeds My Need To Breathe

First off, it’s not a good look when your play RC Jet Fighters look, sound, and maneuver better than the real life bad boys in your military, Saudi Arabia (also not cool alowing them to have this technology when 15 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were Saudi Arabian, a fact that gets lost WAY in the shuffle). But I’m gonna need some of that filthy oil money to buy one of these things, STAT. I don’t want, I NEED to rule the skies of the Delaware Valley. I’d be the Red Baron of Philly sniping out those pussy hipster drones above Rittenhouse Square for the fuck of it. If anyone has a problem then can get try to shoot some flak via Nerf Guns up in the air to try and shoot me down. This pilot has no issues answering to the almighty as long as the mission gets accomplished.

Seriously, someone donate one of these to Good Smitty Will. Gonna be real fun watching $10K blow up in a face in < 10 seconds.