This Little Kid's Head Almost Exploded When He Realized He Was Standing Next To Wayne Rooney



That right there is when you know you’ve made it as a professional athlete.  When little kid’s see you and their heads almost explode at your very presence.  Sure the cars and the mansions and the having sex with super models are great but it takes a special type of athlete to cause that type of reaction.  Rooney didn’t even have to do anything.  He simply stood there and the kid reacted like he was standing next to a deity.  And to him he probably is a deity. We have rabid fans here in the United States for our professional sports obviously but soccer fans are on a whole different level it feels like.  I’m sure kids shit their pants on the spot when they LeBron James but they’ll be cleaning brain matter off the walls for weeks from that kid who saw Rooney.  Jaw meet floor.  I don’t even know shit about soccer but I know when I see a kid look at a player like that that he has to be good.  Scrubs don’t get looks like that.