Stephen A Smith Responds To LeBron By Making It Clear He Does Not Wear Tighty Whitey's And That He Was Ready To Swing On LeBron During Their Confrontation

Adam Hagy. Getty Images.

The second LeBron started unloading on Stephen A Smith earlier today, we all knew it was only a matter of time before the response was coming. If you thought Stephen A went on a Taylor Swift-esq tour run the first time, well buddy you better buckle up for Round 2. 

Feel free watch his full response episode, as it's still going on as I'm writing this blog, but early clips are so outrageous I simply couldn't wait. Given that we all knew this was coming and all eyes were on Stephen A and his pending response to LeBron, he certainly didn't disappoint.

First order of business, under no circumstances should you ever declare that Stephen A wears tighty whiteys

For starters, tighty whiteys will always make me chuckle. I can't help it and frankly if you don't chuckle to yourself whenever you hear or say tighty whitey's, you're actually the weird one. A funny name that played when you were 5 and still plays even when you're 38. I hope I never reach a point in life where I don't find tighty whitey's funny.

Now, Stephen A could have made a funny joke about it and been playful, but instead, he decided to make things a little weird when he implied it's because he has a massive hog. Congrats on that, I guess. In a weird way, maybe all of us fellow non-tighty whitey wearers should be thanking Stephen A since going that route now implies a certain something.

Giphy Images.

Sorry, let's get back on track. Stephen A, not a tighty whitey wearer. Noted. What's the next order of business? The confrontation

Giphy Images.

Alright, come on now Stephen A. I'm all for getting your shots in and responding in your own way, but we have to stay on planet Earth. There is no way in hell that if LeBron put his hands on him in ANY capacity that Stephen A would immediately start throwing hands while an NBA game is going on. No chance. 0.0%. Bravo for the performance, but no fucking way. I'm sure both sides have told their fair share of lies over the course of this whole fiasco, but this one takes the cake

Take the fact that it was during a game out of it. This is LeBron! Look at that picture in the thumbnail of this blog where they are face-to-face. Does that look like a guy who was ready at a moment's notice to start swinging at LeBron? It's such an outrageous claim that I have no choice but to respect it. It's something that only Stephen A could pull off. We all know he's lying, he knows he's full of shit, but it makes for great theatre so at the end of the day we all just laugh and move on with our day.

To me, perhaps the funniest part of all of this is the fact that Stephen A is doing exactly what LeBron called him out for doing. It's hard to dunk on someone or punch back when you're in the process of proving their entire point. Getting mad about the Windy part, that I get. That was fucked up from LeBron. 

But everything he said about Stephen A was true, and he confirmed it again today! You know this is just the beginning too. You don't think Stephen A is going to make the rounds again? That's how this works. That's how we got here in the first place! 

At the end of the day, none of us really care what's true and what's not true in this whole thing. Just give us the viral clips and the back and forth and we're happy. We're naturally part of the problem by consuming it, but I mean come on. This is objectively funny, and it's why the NBA is the greatest drama show in sports. Not a day goes by without something popping up, and I can't say I had Stephen A talking about his underwear and fighting LeBron on my bingo card for today.