Barstool After Dark Tonight: Tate and Frank The Tank Will Compete In "Blind and Deaf IKEA Building"

So the higher ups of the show (me) decided that Food Challenges are indefinitely suspended because they fucking suck to complete, and the result is that our producer (Lucas) cooked up a literal torture stream this week. We're doing a Blind and Deaf IKEA Furniture Building Challenge, where Frank the Tank and Mikey Bets will be competing against me and Brandon Walker with the goal being to complete your piece of IKEA furniture first. Of course Lucas says that's not enough and we had to add in a punishment wheel with things such as blind, deaf, and blind and deaf.

I'l say this: I'm not going to quit. If I didn't quit during the losing 30 pounds stream, or during the eat a million chicken wings stream, or during the 6/12/18/24 stream….I'm certainly not quitting this one. But I cannot promise anything about two of the most mentally tough employees we have at Barstool, both Brandon Walker and Frank the Tank. What will happen when Mikey Bets reads something wrong to Frank? Does he launch the bag of tiny little screws? Does he walk out? We'll find out tonight.

Here are the Official Rules:

See you tonight at 9 Eastern / 8 Central on Barstool After Dark Youtube.