Dua Lipa Gives Us An Inside Look Into The Arduous Yoga Work That Is Required To Become a Global Icon Like Herself

The star athletes and performers of the world are often taken for granted when it comes to the countless man/woman hours it takes to perfect their craft and stay at the top. You don't reach the top of the mountain with luck. Someone like LeBron James seemingly never suffering a long-term injury over his two decade long career only happens because of addiction he has to keeping his body in pristine shape. While you're having that donut after dinner he's hopping into his multi-million dollar state of the art cryogenic de-aging chamber. He just wants it more.
The same can be said for Dua Lipa. You think she can just get up out of bed, lazy and all able to do this stuff?
The answer is emphatically no. So how does one even attempt to soar to her levels? Yoga. All of the yoga. Dua Lipa gave us a sneak peak yesterday into how this all goes down. Nothing "breaks the internet" but boy was everyone talking about this on my timeline.
That's the kind of work it takes folks. That's dedication to your craft. While you're sitting on your couch, jealous at the fame a pro athlete or artist is garnering, just know they're working 1000x harder than you. Today we salute Dua Lipa for attempting to motivate us to be better.