Dave Portnoy Makes A Cameo On Family Guy To Give Stewie/Chris A Pizza Review
Last night, as I was watching TV and waiting for The White Lotus to start - I saw the above tweet (shoutout Mario/@ThisDayInBSS) alerting us that our boss DAVE PORTNOY was on the new episode of Family Guy to give Chris/Stewie's new pizza shop a review. I know it's not the most shocking cameo ever, considering Barstool has been shouted out on the series multiple times before, but my jaw still dropped when I saw the animated versions of both him and Frankie - who they absolutely nailed.
Being drawn on a show like Family Guy or The Simpsons, regardless of what for, is such a stamp of having "made it" to me. I know Dave would probably consider the hundreds of millions of dollars in his bank account "making it" - but being immortalized in cartoon form is just next level to me.
Dave described the full clip as "half nice/half insulting" considering they described the One Bite fanbase as "UFC fans and insurrectionists" and he's right, but I'm taking the comparison of Barstool fans = UFC fans as a major compliment to my work growing the sport within the brand....
It just ain't the kinda show where Dave saving small businesses is going to be used as a funny cutaway! If you're used on Family Guy, you're probably gonna take a few shots below the belt. All things considered though, I think the amount of time dedicated to the bit and the attention to detail on wardrobe/Dave's pizza preferences is more than enough proof that he's got some fans over at Family Guy, even if they're willing to take a few jabs. I'm not sure if Alec Sulkin was involved in that bit, but he's a longtime friend of Barstool who has been on The Rundown, KFC Radio, and My Mom's Basement in the past - and I wouldn't doubt it!
I do agree with Dave that it woulda been cool to hear his voice actually talking to Chris and Stewie - but maybe that'll just have to wait for his next cameo! Or this is where The Simpsons can steal him WWF/WCW style! Cartoon Dave bidding war!