Tough Night: Clemson Gets Locked Out Its Own Locker Room At Halftime, Gets Hosed By The Refs At The End Of The Game
Everything about the ACC this year is pretty, well, terrible. The league sucks, coaches should be getting fired, no one cares about this league outside of maybe the top-3 teams. Then you get the Tournament in Charlotte instead of Greensboro because tradition doesn't matter in sports anymore with Cory Alexander blabbering about god knows what and this is how this blog happens.
Clemson got locked out of its locker room last night. I don't know how else to say it besides being that direct
I don't know how the hell his happens. We're talking about the ACC Tournament, something that used to matter. The ACC used to be the best league with one of the two best tournaments. Greensboro used to be must watch and now in Charlotte you got your second best team sitting around like a 6th grade AAU team.
Then came the refs. The ACC Tournament got started with the worst call in a long, long time
This is how Clemson ended:
I see people arguing with screenshots, little secret, a screenshot doesn't work here. He gets fouled. This isn't hating Louisville or anything like that, he just gets fouled. My problem is the refs don't have to answer anything, again. Make them do press conferences. Make them explain what they called and why they called it. We're forced to watch them stare a monitor for 20 minutes every game, surely we can make them do press conferences when they end seasons. We get foul calls for less all game and yeah, Hunter threw his head back because it's 2025 and guys can't just play basketball anymore. But it's still a foul. This is what bothers me. You don't swallow your whistle on the last drive, if it's a foul in the first half it's a foul late. 1 point equals the same no matter when it's scored.
Also, Brownell, you gotta go after them more
You're the longest-tenured ACC coach now. You have the right to go nuts on refs and getting locked out at halftime.