Two Random Things At Barstool And Beyond That Should Be Shot Into The Sun
If you will indulge me, I found two random things within minutes of each other today that I want canceled killed brutally beaten shot into the sun.
The first is nitpicky, but since I just upgraded my phone, I have to re-log onto all the apps and websites I use daily. For the most part, the process was smooth, but it reminded me that there are certain sites that cocktease you nearly every time you use them into thinking the NEXT time you visit their app or website, it will be done without a login process.
Case in point…

Now I know there are a host of things that are wrong with the tech at Barstool, and most of it doesn't bother or affect me in any way. But why make an old man think that he has the keys to your city only to change the locks every fucking time he visits?
To quote a beloved coworker…
And secondly, why are we still wiping snot on the walls of our bathrooms at work?
I was on the third floor of our office today… The floor where all the smart people work.
I was recording The Rundown inside one of the phone booths up on 3 because the second floor was too loud with people watching the conference tournaments.
After that recording ended, I dipped into one of the bathrooms up there to take a dump.
I was in the more spacious handicapped stall and on the wall directly across from the toilet I was filling were three different globs of snot just randomly pressed onto the wall and door.

Now, no small children are working on the third floor… It's not some Nike factory in Vietnam… And Barstool's cleaning service does a pretty good job scrubbing our bathrooms regularly. So the fact this mucus was still "fresh" means an adult male (or someone who identifies as such, I guess) was dropping a deuce while picking they/their nose, and thought so little about EVERYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD that they decided to smear their grubby little fucking fingers on the walls of the stall so everyone could marvel at perhaps the only thing they were able to produce that day.
I don't know what "Moral Code" kept that mouth-breather from smearing his feces on the wall instead, but perhaps he is reading this blog now and would consider widening that code to include snot on the list of Bodily Fluids That You No NOT Besmirch Public Restrooms With.
That's all I got for now, but the night is young, and after the giant deep-fried pig's foot I ate last night, I have at least one more dump in me.

Take a report.
Does all this talk of snot and tech issues make you hungry?… Here's the best BBQ in Tuscaloosa…