The Selfish One Trick Pony Alex Ovechkin Passed Up An Empty Netter To Assist On Aliaksei Protas' First Career Hat Trick

Alex Ovechkin currently has 886 career goals. Just 9 away from passing Wayne Gretzky for first all time. And despite this, people still poo-poo him. 

The insane haters are now saying he's an "empty net merchant", despite the fact he only has 9 more ENs than Gretzky, and when it's all said and done, will have passed the Great One by so many goals it won't even be statistically relevant how many empty-netters he had. 

Darren Pang on the national broadcast a week ago called Ovi a "one trick pony" and spent the entire broadcast belittling and diminishing his accomplishments, all because he's Canadian and doesn't want Ovi to break the record. It was quite literally the most embarrassing broadcast I have ever seen and Pang should be nowhere near a microphone when Ovi breaks the record. Pang used the national broadcast to try and reduce Ovi's achievements, at one point suggesting he's only breaking it because of "3 on 3 OT", which didn't even start til 2015-2016, halfway through his career. Never once did he mention the goalies of Gretzky's era wearing Tic-Tacs as pads, but it's fine. If you're just a moron like Darren Pang and still refuse to accept Ovechkin' greatness by now you are simply a lost cause who cannot be saved.

So I say all that to say the Caps won 7-4 in Anaheim last night and the selfish one trick pony who is 9 goals away from the most coveted record in hockey passed up an empty net to get his 3rd assist of the night and give King Aliaksei Protas his first career hat trick.


Not a peep from Darren Pang…very interesting.

I really cannot believe this far into his career there are still people who dislike and root against Ovi, but I guess everyone will always have haters. It's much more pathetic and embarrassing when it's a guy paid to be an analyst on the nationally broadcasted games though. Like if it was the Flyers local home announcers, that's one thing. But the TNT crew? Get outta town with that shit. 

Ovi now has 17 games left in the season to get 9 goals. Will he do it this year? 

I'm eyeballing April 4th at home vs the Blackhawks. Already bought my train ticket, and for April 10th as well. Can't miss seeing this in person, no siree. 

PS: Protas now has 28 goals, all but one of them at even strength. He doesn't even play on the PP. Just an absolute beast of a player.

He's so fucking good and only 24 years old. Sky is the limit for King Protas.